wait for it................
so my little piggy has now been fed...lol..
went to the farm auction on saturday with hubby, and we bought 6 bluebell chicks and 6 naked neck chicks..... sadly we lost one of the bluebell chicks, it was a very cold and damp day, there is one that still doesnt look right, so i havent gone into to work today, so i can keep an eye on it...
have decided i am going to grow alot more seeds etc than i will use myself to sell at the farm auction to raise some more cash...so this afternoon i am going to buy a kg of runner bean seeds and a kg of broad bean seeds and a box of 408 plant trays for 9 plants each, from a local bargin shop/garden supplies, this guy also has a storage unti by my unit so... he's giving me a goods price on them...i think the trays work out at 12p each and the runner bean seeds are £11 per kg so all in all i will make some money there..if not i will have loads of runner beans to sell and put in the freezer...lol...
Need to plant up some strawberry plants that i got today, which i ordered off ebay... i bought 20 runners, which are huge and healthy... so will pot them in individual pots and keep them in the greenhouse, to bring them on a bit earlier... cant wait.... strawberries and cream......mmmmmmmmmm
so my mojo is back on track...
catch you all later.....