wow was i in daydream heaven, an old little farmhouse cottage which i think dates back to the 1700's and hardly been modernised. vintage bliss
took some pics to show you all
and this is the back of the house.... this part of the house looks as though it was added umpteen years ago...its even lower than hubby, and he is 6ft 2
there is 10 acres of land, which is rough pasture and woods,ooooo ye and a stream at the bottom of the garden
here are some pics of the surrounding land
and for the grand sum of 220k.....((((((((((((((SIGN)))))))))))))))
on the way back the next house to the farm we seen a guy outside who hubby works with, and he was saying that loads of people have been going to see it, so its going to get snapped up, even with the loads of work that needs doing.
this afternoon when we came back i was sooooooooo desperate i was thinking of putting a donation button on my blog, or even starting a new blog purely for and then i came to my senses...
i will plodd along and one day hopefully when i have got money i will find another old farm
there's one good thing with all this, hubby is now on side, he was even working out how much tonnage i need to sell of grade A textiles to cover the
anyway going now as i am in the middle of making bacon and onion mini quiches with grated cheese on top. trying to use the abundance of eggs i've got.....tata for now..
too late I have eaten too much lol.....your time will come and no doubt you will see other cottages that you will fall in love with but they will not be ''the one''
''The one'' will be the cottage you see fall in love with and buy and live happily ever might be awhile hun but it WILL happen just enjoy your journey there xxx
Lajoni....i know, you are soooo right, its like its eating me excuse the and thats all that i am thinking about, its got to the stage where its being obssesive...
i fel like a smallholder
The farm house is beautiful Heather, and I'm sure you'll make it one day.
Love and blessings
What a lovely place Heather, keep hoping and I'm sure one day the farm will be a reality - with luck I may get one of my own one day too!
oh what a gorgeous place, thats kind of like my dream place too!, hope you get your dream place one day aswell! xx
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