so i have awarded myself a the most boring blog in the world title.
as for an acceptance speach....mmmmmmmm well. there isnt going to be one as i will bore you all to tears...and lets face it with the flipping british summer being a total wash out.. the kids bored out of their brains... and they cant wait to go back to school;, just for something to do ( which is a flipping first in our you dont need another thing to bore you...
even a game of eye spy on my blog will be exciting.....ooooo hang on a minute.... now there's a thought..... a game of eye spy on the internet.... i wonder if that has been done before.... it probibly
right going now as i am even boring myself now.. with all my flipping boring waffle.... i am going to waffle off now to work..i have had some lovely things in work... so if i got any energy left later i will psot some pics.. of some of the things that have come in....
but done worry i wont show any pics of the smelly stuff that comes in...
You are hilarious - I think you are competing with Angel for the funniest blog on the planet! Would love to see pics of what's in at work, though (and not the smelly knicks, per-lease. xx
are you sure you dont want to see a pic of a big pile of stinky shoes and some used used underwear. or even the 'presents' that the boys down the recycling plant send me ????????
lol... Angel takes that title unrivelled totally bonkers...bless...arnt you Angel?
Yep, not even tempted!
Angel and you can share the title! You both crack me up.
I thought I was the most boringest??? No way is it you.
Anyway, where's this game of I spy then???
Love and blessings
ps, only pics of the yummy stuff please, I've just had a lolly.
ok..... i will leave the pongy pics until another time..hehehehe
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