I have turned my hobby of collecting/selling vintage clothing into a business, which has now ended up me recycling, buying/selling textiles...clothing... shoes and handbags. Its very hard work, and now after a year it is starting to come together.
here are some pics of my unit.. where it all happens
First of all here is my 'office space' where i try and drum up business and speak to all you lot on the shabby chic forum
here is a pile of bags ready to be sorted the bales are full of clothes to ready to be sorted
and here are some of the nice things i find
and here is a pic of some the bags ready to go after being sorted
at not forgetting the smelly shoes.. which this pic is all singles... no pairs amoungst them.....lol... but done worry they will be bagged and recycled.
hi caroline look away now... dont look any further.... pitty there wasnt smelly cybervision.. as this would def be the time to put a nice old dolly clothes peg on your nose
So there you have it a nice little nose into my unit on this very wet and cold start to september....
OOooo I can almost smell those shoes
PHEW!!!!! (glad there's no undie pics LOL)
Do you bag all that stuff by yourself? You must work so hard.I'm getting back ache thinking about it!!!
Love and blessings
Do you know, that's really funny. I was thinking on the way home tonight that you should really do a post about your work, and show some pictures, and I come in and what do I find! I looked away for the smelly bit, so thanks for the warning!! lol
And are you putting that yummy cactus fabric on ebay? Last time I checked you had nothing there...sob.
Hugs for tomorrow. Make the silly sods understand they have it wrong. Threaten them with my hamster if you like! xxx
Ohh Id love a good rummage around your gaff well done you on your brilliant and hopefully rewarding work X
elaine...the shoes are 'humming' a a tune..lol.. my step father, and hubby have been helping me bag .. but they have gone back to work now, so can only help me now and again.. the bags are 10 kgs you get used to it..
Caroline the catus fabric is a
50's? pair of curtains.. there is some staining, so they are on my 'to wash' pile.
Ebay as been really quiet, and i have been really busy.. so maybe thursday i might list some vintage things.. strangely enough i was thinking maybe i should now start maybe doing more on my work and the finds etc..especially as the camera is allways in work and not at home.. hense the lack of pics
marypoppins.. its a great place to have a rummage as you dont know what you are going to find..good and bad..
You know I love the curtains obviously! Get them listed I sure you'll make a bit on them.
I can't even imagine how you recycle odd shoes?!
I think you should do a find of the week from all your sorting.
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