Sunday, 17 August 2008

need to get back on track

had a great time at the bulldog bash, but really do need to get back on track now and get forcussed again on my day dream, as i must admit i have been sooo busy since i have got back with work. its sunday today and i am off to work again to try and do some sorting out of the textiles, i had my step-father and hubby helping me yesturday, and today my motehr and step-father are helping again. it does save me alot of money as i dont have to pay so hopefully when i got surplus cash flow money i can add this to my fund.

a bit of sad news..... one of the chicks ( white one ) and one of the ducklings have sadly died. last week, i just found them in the coop. really did put me on a downer for a while. but i will just have to get back to getting used to it.

this week i have got to try and get my butt into gear and make chtuney out of my rhuburb, otherwise the large amount of rhuburb i have in the garden will go to waste, which i cant let happen...

my courgettes are flowering nicely, but once a little courgette starts appearing it just falls off, the only thing i can think its must be all this wet weather, so will have to try and make room in the greenhouse for some of them.

oo yep just to say my lovely new wellies really did come in handy at the bulldog as it was a right mudbath, and everyone was envious of

speak to you all later..... take care.....

1 comment:

angel said...

Hiya Heather, sad about the chook and duckling.
Glad you had a good time with the *Bulldog* and the boots held thier own.

Now get bag to work woman and enjoy your day. Mwah X x X x X