yep i had a whopping £8 for my drinks and food metal that i have been saving.....ok i cant buy that dream smallholding yet.... but hay 8 squidaroonies is 8 squidaroonines....and lets be honest it is £8 that would have been put into the bin....Scrap Metal prices are pretty good at the moment, compared to what they have been like, so might go for a walk later, take a carrier bag with me, and collect the drinks cans you see thrown at the side of the road.....
I am sure there was a bloke somwhere who actually saved and asked for drinks cans etc around his area, and he bought his house out the money...will have to have a nose around the old internet and see if i can find the story...and do an update on my hubpages about him....
I thiught that was fabric for a minute there kitten!
Well what a lot of cans! Did ya go out with ya bag .... hummmm
Lovely post.
Love ya loads and loads
Amazing - would never of thought of doing that. Was it all your own cans or did you collect them?
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